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Help! I'm Struggling to Lose Weight

Help! I'm Struggling to Lose Weight

In 2012, about 69% of US adults were classified as overweight (BMI of 25-29.9) or obese (BMI of 30 or higher), and since then, we’ve headed in the wrong direction.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the incidence of obesity rose from 30.5% in 1999 to 41.9% two decades later. And severe obesity during the same timeframe rose from 4.7% to 9.2%.

Obesity is more of an issue than just carrying around extra weight. It’s a risk factor for some of the most common causes of premature but preventable death: heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. 

At Progressive Women's Health OB/GYN in Friendswood and Mission, Texas, Dr. Asia Mohsin and her staff offer a medical weight loss program for patients who’ve tried to go it alone but can’t seem to succeed, no matter what they do. Here’s what it entails.

What’s medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss is a program you undertake supervised by your medical team. With all the resources you need to succeed, and by holding you accountable for your progress, this program makes it more likely you lose weight safely and keep it off.

While Dr. Mohsin necessarily advocates the keystones of a successful program — restricting your calorie intake and exercising to burn more calories than you consume — she also knows that certain underlying biological conditions beyond your control can derail your success. 

Such conditions include a hormonal imbalance that alters metabolism, low levels of micronutrients, or a medical problem that makes losing weight harder than it should be. The team works to bring those problems under control before you begin the weight loss journey.

Medical weight loss components

An effective medical weight loss program includes several elements.


When creating a treatment plan, we start with a complete medical history to understand your unique physiology and account for any comorbid conditions.

Medical exam and comprehensive testing

A physical exam and comprehensive blood testing identify as many variables as possible and allow Dr. Mohsin to treat any underlying condition before it can sabotage your efforts.

Patient commitment

You can have the most proactive team possible, but if you don’t make a serious commitment to the weight loss program, you won’t get far. 

To help you get on board, Dr. Mohsin speaks directly with you about the process, your past successes and failures, and your body image goals, which play a large part in staying the course. The treatment plan includes all of these elements.

Nutritional management

Usually done under the supervision of a nutritionist, you learn what macro- and micronutrients your body needs and how to incorporate them into your new eating plan. The nutritionist helps you create nourishing meals that fit your lifestyle.

Cardiovascular conditioning, strength building, and flexibility training

Certain types of physical activity are better than others when you’re trying to lose weight. A medical weight loss program identifies what works and what doesn’t and recommends the best exercises for your body type and weight loss goals at each stage.

Accountability and continuity

The mark of a good weight loss program is it not only gets you into shape but teaches you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle that keeps you in shape. 

At Progressive Women's Health, our clinicians are specially trained in treating weight issues, whether caused by medical conditions or bad eating habits. They supervise how much weight you lose, offering suggestions and encouragement to help you reach your goals.

Struggling to lose weight? Progressive Women’s Health can help you shed the pounds and keep them off. To learn more or schedule an evaluation, call the nearest office or book online today. We also offer telehealth appointments.

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