Pregnancy is the natural result of sexual intercourse especially when it occurs during ovulation. 85% of couples achieve pregnancy within the first twelve months of trying, while 7% get there in the second year and others, a long time after or never.
Infertility is simply put, the inability to conceive within twelve months of trying to. There are different causes of infertility and these are discussed subsequently. An endocrinologist is the best specialist to look into this, trust us at Progressive Women’s Health to provide the best one in the field.
An important point to note is that infertility does not only occur in women, but it is also a male problem too. In the paragraphs that follow, we discuss different instances of infertility in both sexes.
There are different reasons why a man or woman would be temporarily or permanently infertile. These causes are grouped as they concern each sex and discussed below.
In Men
When a man orgasms, whether from intercourse or masturbation, the penis releases a milky liquid. This liquid is called “semen” and it contains the sperm that fertilizes the egg to bring about pregnancy. The fluid is merely to provide seamless passage in the fallopian tube.
While the liquid is produced in the prostate gland, seminal vesicle and other sex glands, sperm comes from the testicles.
There are however situations where the sperm may not be released, may not get to the egg or may not fertilize it.
- Low Sperm Count: An average man has a minimum sperm count of 15 million, anything below this is low. About one in every three couples experiences this.
- Abnormal Sperm: Spermatozoa has a shape that aids its mobility, an abnormal shape makes it difficult for the sperm to swim, let alone fertilize an egg. About 2% of men suffer from this condition.
It is caused by genetic factors, medical conditions (Like Cushing’s syndrome, Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, surgery, mumps, diabetes, or testicular infections), ejaculation disorders, medication (like sulfasalazine), hard drugs or alcoholism, hormonal imbalance, age (beyond 40), chemotherapy, obesity, and overheated testicles.
- Low Sperm Motility (Mobility): This is a situation where the sperms fail to swim as fast as they should and therefore cannot fertilize the eggs in the ovaries.
In Women
The causes are diverse. They include, age (beyond 32), mental stress, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), alcoholism and smoking, obesity, hard drugs, eating disorders, exposure to certain chemicals (metals, pesticides, herbicides, household detergents, etc.) medical conditions (like hyperprolactinemia, poor quality eggs, thyroid problems, ovulation disorders, AIDS, premature ovarian failure, submucosal fibroids, endometriosis, and cancer), medication (like Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), radiation therapy, chemotherapy), high cholesterol levels, illegal drugs, etc.
This depends on the underlying cause, the age of the patient, the length of the condition, health history and personal preferences. While more or scheduled intercourse can treat it in some, medication, assisted conception, or even surgery may be necessary for others.
Professional medical care is therefore expedient here. Visit us at PWH for the best.
Side Effects
Some treatment procedures could lead to multiple pregnancies and other reactions.